NGS Youth Committee Hosts Presentation by NGS Best Graduate Thesis and Undergraduate Project Award Winners 2024

Nepal Geotechnical Society (NGS) Youth Committee successfully organized a lecture program titled “Presentations by Winners of Best Graduate Thesis and Undergraduate Project Awards 2024” on Thursday, August 8, 2024 as part of the NGS Lecture Series. The event, which was held at Burja Hall, Pulchowk Campus, celebrated the achievements of young geotechnical/civil engineers and provided them with a platform to present their award-winning work.

The program commenced at 5:00 PM, with Er. Saroj Adhikari, Coordinator of the NGS Youth Committee, serving as the Master of Ceremonies. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the NGS Best Undergraduate Geotechnical Project Award 2024, which was given to a team from Pulchowk Campus comprising Mahesh Khanal, Manoj Mukhiya, Mohammad Baseer Miya, Niraj Chapagain, Prashant Bist, and Samyak Shrestha. Their project, titled “Design Template for Driven Soil Nail Retaining Structure,” impressed the audience with its innovative approach and practical application in geotechnical engineering.

In addition, the NGS Excellent Graduate Thesis Award 2024 was presented to Er. Kshitiz Joshi from Pulchowk Campus for his thesis titled “Numerical Simulation of Rock Blasting.” Er. Joshi’s work, which involved sophisticated numerical techniques to simulate the effects of rock blasting, was highly praised for its depth of research and potential impact on the field.

Technical remarks on the presented works were delivered by Dr. Mohan Prasad Acharya, who provided insightful feedback and highlighted the importance of continued research and innovation in geotechnical engineering.

The program concluded with closing remarks from Er. Ujjwal Niraula, Secretary of NGS, who congratulated the award winners and encouraged all young engineers to continue pursuing excellence in their field. The event was also graced by the presence of NGS President, Dr. Mandip Subedi, who emphasized the Society’s commitment to supporting the next generation of geotechnical engineers.


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