The First NGS Monthly Lecture Series held successfully!

Participated by nearly 40 member as well as non-member colleagues, the first NGS Monthly Lecture Series was successfully held on 20 June 2018 at Entrance Cafe Seminar Hall, Pulchowk, Lalitpur. Nepal Geotechnical Society thanks the lecturers and all the participants of this monthly lecture series. It was indeed a very successful event, and it was all because of an overwhelming participation of the graduate students of geotechnical engineering and engineering geology. The lectures delivered were:

Lecture 1: Engineering challenges in stabilizing recurring landslides in Nepal with limited resources: An experience from Krishnabhir Landslide, Mr. Naresh Man Shakya, Department of Roads, Government of Nepal

Lecture 2: Incorporating engineering geological issues in geotechnical engineering designs in a mountainous country like Nepal, Dr. Ranjan Kumar Dahal, Tribuvan University

Thank you!

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