Silver Jubilee Celebration Program videos uploaded

The Silver Jubilee Celebration Program video clips have been uploaded in the NGS YouTube Channel. The program committee apologizes for an unexpected delay in uploading the videos.

Please click here for the complete video playlist (Part 1 to Part 6) or click the video clips below for your watch.

Part 1: Silver Jubilee Celebration Program (Starting, Welcome Address by Committee Chair, NGS Introduction by General Secretary)

Part 2: Silver Jubilee Celebration Program (Senior Member\’s Remarks, Guest\’s and Guest of Honor\’s Remarks)

Part 3: Silver Jubilee Celebration Program (ISSMGE-VP\’s Remarks, NGS Silver Jubilee Memoirs Release, and NGS YouTube Channel Launching)

Part 4: Silver Jubilee Celebration Program (Presentation of Awards and Appreciations)

Part 5: Silver Jubilee Celebration Program (Chief Guest\’s Remarks)

Part 6: Silver Jubilee Celebration Program (Token of Love and Program Chair\’s Closing Remarks)

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