An online executive meeting held on 6 May 2020 has decided to recommend Er. Kalpana Adhikari Subedi, a life member of Nepal Geotechnical Society and a government engineering officer at the Department of Roads as a representative of Nepal Geotechnical Society young members to the ISSMGE-YMPG (International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Young Members Presidential Group).
On 3 May 2020, the Chair of ISSMGE-YMPG, Lucy Wu wrote to Nepal Geotechnical Society Secretariat as:
Dear Nepal Geotechnical Society,
The ISSMGE YMPG is launching a new initiative to widen the reach of the committee. Currently, the YMPG communicates directly with young engineers around the world through email, LinkedIn, and MyGeoWorld. The committee would like to strengthen this network by seeking one Young Member Liaison with each of the ISSMGE Member Societies. Ideally, this person would already be involved in the society.
This person will help the YMPG understand more about young member initiatives in their society. The YMPG will work with this person to spread relevant information to their young members. We also hope that this person would be willing to connect with other liaisons around the world to exchange ideas. There are no requirements from the YMPG regarding this person\’s age, length of service, etc. This should be determined by the leadership of the member society. Please refer to the attached flyer for more information.Please reply with your nomination by 15 May 2020. Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you,
Lucy Wu
Chair YMPG
Young Members Presidential Group (YMPG)